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1999 Oklahoma Tornado Still Ranks as One of Oklahoma's Deadliest

By: [Author's Name]

May 3, 2023

On May 3, 1999, a deadly F3 tornado tore through central Oklahoma, leaving behind a trail of destruction and claiming the lives of 36 people. The tornado was part of a larger outbreak that produced dozens of tornadoes across the region, but it was the most powerful and destructive of them all.

The tornado began its rampage near Newcastle, Oklahoma, and quickly grew in size and intensity as it moved east-northeast. It reached its peak strength as it crossed Interstate 40, where it completely destroyed the town of Moore. The tornado then continued on to Oklahoma City, where it caused extensive damage to the city's south side.

The tornado's path of destruction was over 38 miles long and a mile wide. It destroyed thousands of homes and businesses, and left hundreds of people injured. The total cost of the damage was estimated to be in the billions of dollars.

In the years since the tornado, Oklahoma City has rebuilt and recovered. However, the scars of that day remain. The tornado is still remembered as one of the deadliest and most destructive in Oklahoma history.
